There are total 77 teachers are serving in Madrasah Islamiyah Waqf, Surat and there is training from Nazara to Dor-E-Hadish.
At present the bill of food grain of Rs. 20,00,000/- (Rs. Twenty lac) is outstnding.
At present under Madrasah Islamiyah Waqf the election of the students hostel boarding, staff quarter and masjid is under constructnstuction, the approximate cost of the construction is about Rupees 10 Corore (Rupees Ten crore).
The following branches running under the subordination of Madrasah Islamiyah Waqf, Surat.
Madrasah Islamiyah Waqf, Surat was started in 1983 Est. in Surat at the time of After establishment of Madressa Surat at station in surat.